7 Wonders of Portuguese Origin in the World

The Seven Wonders of Portuguese Origin in the World -  were voted and elected by the Portuguese people, in 2009. 

The requirements for the selection of the candidates for voting, were:
  • Beauty 
  • Cultural and Historical importance
  • Preservation state

Monuments built during the Portuguese colonisation  - Winers:

Basilica of Good Jesus, Goa - Asia
Saint's Paul Church, Macau - Asia
Church of Saint Francis and the Third Order, Brazil - South America

Cidade Velha de Santiago, Cape Verde - Africa

Fortress Mazagão, Morocco - Africa

Fortress of Diu, India -Asia

Church of Saint Francis of Penitence, Brazil - South America

Other Finalists:

  • Gorgora Nova, Ethiopia (Africa)
  • Convent of Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Angola (Africa) 
  • Mozambique Island, Mozambique (Africa)
  • Fortress of Qal'at al- Bahrain, Bahrain (Middle East)
  • Fortress of Colónia do Sacramento, Uruguay (South America)
  • Fortress of Ormuz, Iran (Middle East)
  • Fortress of Mascate, Oman (Middle East)
  • Historical Centre of Malaca, Malaysia (Asia)
  • Fortress of Quiloa, Tanzania (Africa)
  • Fortress of Jesus, Kenya (Africa)
  • Fortress of Saint George of Mine, Ghana ( Africa)

Source: http://7maravilhas.pt/portfolio-items/7-maravilhas-de-origem-portuguesa-no-mundo/?portfolioCats=28