5 Things Tourists should know before visiting Portugal


There are some basic questions that tourists make when are in Portugal- here is some help.

1. In the other side of Lisbon' bridges is not Spain, nor Morocco, nor Madeira, neither Africa.  It is still Portugal. 

The map bellow helps to visualize where is Portugal, Spain, Morocco,  Africa,  Madeira and other countries that  are not inside  Portugal.

2. The currency in use in Portugal is Euro. The same other members of the Union European use since 2002.

3. The language spoken in Portugal is Portuguese. Not Spanish. The Portuguese language has some  similarities, but also has similarities with the Italian, the French, the English and other languages of latin origin or influence.

Portuguese - Social, Original, Problema, Natural, Nome

Spanish - Social, Original, Problema, Natural, Nombre

Italian - Sociale, Originale, Problema, Naturale, Nome

French - Social, Original, Probléme, Naturel, Nom

English - Social, Original, Problem, Natural, Name

Portuguese is also the official language of 10 countries across the globe (ex- colonies): in the African continent - Mozambique, Angola,  Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea and São Tomé e Prince; Brazil in South of the American continent; East Timor and Macau in the Asian continent;  and Portugal in Europe. 

4. Drugs are not legal in Portugal. The offence of possession changed from criminal to civil. 

"Drugs are not freely available, and cannot legally be sold. If you are caught with a possession quantity of a drug, there are still consequences.      

More info in english here:  https://www.drugfoundation.org.nz/matters-of-substance/may-2013/drugs-are-legal-portugal/#:~:text=Portugal%20has%20not%20changed%20the,from%20criminal%20punishment%20to%20treatment.                  


5. Algarve is not a city. Algarve is Portugal's southernmost region with more than 30 cities and villages.