The Best and the Worst about Portugal

Vicentine Coast, Portugal

Like all the countries, Portugal has good and bad things. 

The worst:
  • The minimum salary is low, 557 euros, when comparing to the other members of the Union European;
  • Unemployment;
  • Forest fires almost every Summer;
  • Bureaucracy;
  • Slow growth of the economy;
  • Corruption;
  • Inequality;
  • Low retirement pension;
  • Aging population;
  • Is not self-sufficient;
  • Lack of a solid industrial development program;
  • Slow justice system;
  • Sexism;
  • Domestic violence;
  • Massive emigration of the young population

The Best:
  • Diversity of landscape: beaches, mountains, forests, waterfalls, country, lakes, snow, rivers, sea, cliffs, coasts; 
  • Many historical monuments and places;
  • Different architectural styles: manueline, pombaline, romanesque, gothic, baroque, ancient roman, ancient moorish, renaissance, mannerism and modern architecture
  • Moderate sunny weather;
  • Friendly people;
  • Portuguese azulejo (tile);
  • Portuguese calçada (pavement);
  • Great fresh food;
  • Delicious pastries and cakes;
  • Great wines;
  • Great olive oils;
  • Relatively safe;
  • The cost of life is relatively low, affordable;
  • Low levels of pollution;

The Evolution of the Portuguese Flag

1139-1143 to 1185

1185  to 1245/1248

1245-1248 to 1495

1495 to 1578

1578 to 1580

1667 to 1707

1707 to 1834

1830 to 1910

1910  up to now


Kings of Portugal and the 4 Dynasties

Pena Palace in Sintra

Portugal or the Kingdom of Portugal was a monarchy for 800 years.

    1st Dynasty - Afonsinha, House of Borgonha 

1- D. Afonso Henriques I (1128 to 1185) - The Conqueror - 

Founder of the Kingdom of Portugal

2 - D. Sancho I  (1185 to 1211) - The Territory Extender
King of Portugal, Silves and the Algarves

3 - D. Afonso II  (1211 to 1223) - The Fat
King of Portugal and Count of Borgonha

4 - D. Sancho II  (1223 to 1247) - The Religious
King of Portugal and the Algarves

5 - D. Afonso III  (1248 to 1279) - The Count of Bologne
King of Portugal and the Algarves

6 - D. Dinis  (1279 to 1325) - The Farmer
King of Portugal and the Algarves

7 - D. Afonso IV  (1325 to 1357) - The Brave
King of Portugal and the Algarves

8 - D. Pedro I       (1357 to 1367) - The Justice Maker
King of Portugal and the Algarves

9 - D. Fernando I (1367 to 1383) - The Handsome   
King of Portugal, Castela, Toledo, Galiza,  Sevilla, Córdova, Múrcia, Algeciras, Molina and the Algarves

       2nd Dynasty - House of Avis

10 - D. João I  (1385 to 1433) - The Good
King of Portugal and the Algarves

11-  D. Duarte  (1433 to 1438) - The Eloquent

King of Portugal, Algarves and Lord of Ceuta

12 - D. Afonso V  (1438 to 1481) - The African
King of Portugal, Algarves and Lord of Ceuta, Álcacer and lands of Africa

13 - D. João II  (1481 to 1495) - The Perfect Prince
King of Portugal, Algarves and Lord of Ceuta, Álcacer and lands of Africa

14 - D. Manuel I  (1495 to 1521) - The Fortunate
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

15 - D. João II  (1521 to 1527) - The Merciful
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

16 - D. Sebastião  (1557 to 1578) - The Desired
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

17 - D. Henrique  (1557 to 1580) - The Caste
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.   


        3rd Dynasty - Filipina - House of Habsburg

18 - D. Filipe I  (1580 to 1598) - The Prudent
King of  Castela, Leão, Aragão, Sicily, Jerusalem, Portugal, Algarves, Corsica, Algeciras, Gibraltar, Canary Islands, Indias, Duke of Athens, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Borgonha, Branate and Milan, Count of Habsburg, Flanders and Tirol, others.

19 - D. Filipe II  (1598 to 1621) - The Pious
King of  Castela, Leão, Aragão, Sicily, Jerusalem, Portugal, Algarves, Corsica, Algeciras, Gibraltar, Canary Islands, Indias, Duke of Athens, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Borgonha, Branate and Milan, Count of Habsburg, Flanders and Tirol, others.

20 - D. Filipe III (1621 to 1640) -  The Great
King of  Castela, Leão, Aragão, Sicily, Jerusalem, Portugal, Algarves, Corsica, Algeciras, Gibraltar, Canary Islands, Indias, Duke of Athens, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Borgonha, Branate and Milan, Count of Habsburg, Flanders and Tirol, others.

        4th Dynasty - House of Bragança

21 - D. João IV  (1640 to 1656) - The Restorer
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Brazil, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

22 - D. Afonso VI  (1656 to 1683) - The Victorious
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Brazil, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

23 - D. Pedro II  (1683 to 1706) - The Pacifist
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Brazil, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

24 - D. João V  (1706 to 1750) - The Magnificent
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Brazil, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

25 - D. José I  (1750 to 1777) - The Reformer
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Brazil, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

26 - D. Maria I  (1777 to 1816) - The Pious
Queen of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Brazil, Lady of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

27 - D. João VI  (1816 to 1826) - The Clement
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Emperor of Brazil, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

28 - D. Pedro IV  (1826 to 1828) - The Soldier King
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, constitutional Emperor of Brazil, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others. 

29 - D. Miguel I  (1828 to 1834) - The Traditionalist
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

30 - D. Maria II  (1834 to 1853) - The Educator
Queen of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lady of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

31 - D. Pedro V  (1853 to 1861) - The Hopeful
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

32 - D. Luis I  (1861 to 1889) - The Popular
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

33 - D. Carlos I  (1889 to 1908) - The Diplomat
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.

34 - D. Manuel II  (1908 to 1910) - The Patriot
King of Portugal, Algarves, lands of Africa, Lord of Guiné and the commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, India, others.  

In the 1st Dynasty - House of Borgonha, the Kingdom of Portugal was founded and expanded. Finally, others lands and the Algarve were regained from the moors. This period (1348-1349) was also marked by the Black Death, that killed almost half of the population.

During the 2nd Dynasty - House of Avis, Portugal continued to expand its territories, but now they turned to the unknown seas. Pioneers in the maritime exploration, the  portuguese navigators Fernão de Magalhães, Vasco da Gama, Gil Eanes, Pedro Álvares de Cabral, Diogo Cão and many others discover several maritime trading routes and territories around the world. Portugal became the biggest colonial empire  of the world. 

Due to the death of the King Sebastião, in the Battle of Alcácer Quibir, in Morocco, leaving no descendants, D. Filipe I, King of Spain (whose mother, D. Isabel of Portugal, was portuguese) proposes to Portugal an Iberian Union, respecting Portugal's autonomy and identity. Portugal accepts.  Like that, starts the 3rd Dynasty - House of Habsburgthat lasts 60 years.  

House of Bragança - The 4th and last Dynasty starts, when Portugal, unsatisfied with the management of their colonies and the involvement in spanish wars, restores total independence. 
During this dynasty, Portugal suffers terribly with the earthquake of 1775, followed by a tsunami and fires. Later, is rebuilt by Marquês de Pombal.
Between 1808 and 1810, the French general Napoleon tries to conquer Portugal 3 times and fails.
In 1828, starts the civil wars between liberalists and absolutists that ends in 1834, with the defeat of the last ones.
In 1867, death penalty is abolished and in 1869 slavery is also abolished by the King D. Luis I.
The regicide of King D. Carlos I, in 1908, was announcing the end of monarchy.  

2 years after, the monarchy, in Portugal, ends with the Republic Revolution and coup, of 1910. 
The 35th and last King of Portugal, D. Manuel II is dethroned and forced into exile in England, where he remained until his death.

The current descendents of the House of Brangança are the Duke D. Duarte Pio and Duchess D. Isabel.

Prince Henry, The Navigator 
(son of King D. João I)
was the initiator of the Ages of the Discoveries
